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Semiconductor optoelectronic nanodevices

The current technologies of semiconductor devices and electronic integrated circuits are rapidly approaching their fundamental limits  in terms of both speed and data transmission bandwidth. Optical nanotechnology, as a promising solution, can offer several advantages; ultrafast operation, high-capacity data transmission, cost-effective low power-consumption. We explore the potential of combining electronics and photonics at the nanoscale and build a robust optoelectronic platform that can enable to work with both optical and electrical signal processing, addressing the current challenges and ultimately providing a practical industrial solution.

  • ​Electrically driven nanoscale light emitting diode (nano-LED) coupled with metal waveguide for nanofocusing of light

Electrically driven nanoscale light emit

Top-down-fabricated III-V semiconductor nanowires with vertical pn-junction are converted into nano-LEDs after p-type and n-type contact metallization. 


Plasmonic waveguides connected to nano-LED allow light coupling and propagating and enable the nanofocus of light at the end of tapered waveguides.


Three-dimensional electromagnetic simula -tion reproduces the experimental observa



Nano Letters 13, 772–776  (2013)

  • Electrically driven one-dimensional photonic crystal nanolasers

Electrically driven one-dimensional phot

One-dimensional photonic crystal cavity, nanofabricated using InGaAsP wafer including multi-quantum wells, is electrically pumped to demonstrate the low-threshold lasing operation at room temperature.

Nature Communications 4, 2822  (2013)

  • ​Large-area nanowire device array

Large-area nanowire device array.jpg

SEM image of vertical tip-modulated device array in 10×10 grid layout.


Tip-modulated nanowires have the nanoscale pn-junction at the end of nanowire tip, serving as spatially localized potentiometric biological/chemical sensor and photodetector.

Nano Letters 16, 4713–4719  (2016)

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