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35. Byoung Jun Park*, Min-Woo Kim*, Kyong-Tae Park*, Hwi-Min Kim, Byeong Uk You, Aran Yu, Jin Tae Kim, You-Shin No,            and Myung-Ki Kim

      “Minimal-gain-printed silicon nanolaser”, Sci. Adv. 10, 38, eadl1548 (2024)


34. Jinhyoung Lee, Gunhoo Woo, Gyuyoung Lee, Jongyeong Jeon, Seunghwan Lee, Ziyang Wang, Hyelim Shin, Gil-Woo Lee,

      Yeon-Ji Kim, Do-Hyun Lee, Min-Jae Kim, Eungchul Kim, Hyunho Seok, Jinill Cho, Boseok Kang, You-Shin No,

      Won-Jun Jang, and Taesung Kim

      “Ultrastable 3D Heterogeneous Integration via N-Heterocyclic Carbene Self-Assembled Nanolayers”,

       ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 16, 35505-35515 (2024)


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33. ​Kyong-Tae Park*, Kyong-Ho Kim*, Byung-Ju Min, You-Shin No

      “Normal mode analysis in multi‑coupled non‑Hermitian optical nanocavities”, Sci. Rep. 13, 17510 (2023)


32. Byung-Ju Min*, Yeon-Ji Kim*, You-Shin No

      “On-Demand Waveguide-Integrated Microlaser-on-Silicon”, Appl. Sci. 13(16), 9329 (2023)



31. Byung-Ju Min*, Yeon-Ji Kim*, Jae-Hyuck Choi*, Min-Woo Kim, Kyong-Tae Park, Dong-Jin Jang, Jin-Sik Choi, You-Shin No

      “Electrically driven on-chip transferrable micro-LEDs”, Applied Physics Lett. 121, 241107 (2022)


30. Min-Woo Kim*, Sun-Wook Park*, Kyong-Tae Park*, Byung-Ju Min*, Ja-Hyun Ku, Jin-Yong Ko, Jin Sik Choi, You-Shin No

      “All-graphene-contact electrically pumped on-demand transferrable nanowire source” , Nano Letters. 22, 1316-1323 (2022)


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29. Sun-Wook Park*, Min-Woo Kim*, Kyong-Tae Park*, Ja-Hyun Ku, and You-Shin No

 On-Chip Transferrable Microdisk LasersACS Photonics. 7, 3313−3320 (2020)

28. Kyoung-Ho Kim*, Muhammad Sujak, Evan S. H. Kang and You-Shin No

“Tunable non-Hermiticity in Couple Photonic crystal Cavities with Asymmetric Optical Gain”, Appl. Sci. 10. 8074 (2020)

27. You-Shin No*  , Ji Hye Lee*  , Bae Ho Park and Jin Sik Choi

“Ripples, Wrinkles, and Crumples In Folded Graphene”,  J. Korean Phys. Soc. 76, 985~990 (2020).




26. You-Shin No*

“Electrically Driven Micro- and Nano-Scale Semiconductor Light Sources”, Appl. Sci. 9, 802 (2019).



25. Kyoung-Ho Kim* and You-Shin No

“Light Coupling between Plasmonic Nanowire and Nanoparticle,” J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73, 1283–1288 (2018).

24. Tea-Young Jeong*, Ja-Hyun Gu, Won-Yeol Choi and You-Shin No

“Characteristics of a Vertical Metal-Insulator-Metal Microring Cavity,” J. Korean Phys. Soc. 73, 580–585 (2018).

23. Ho-Seok Ee*, You-Shin No, Jinhyung Kim, Hong-Gyu Park, and Min-Kyo Seo

“Long-range surface plasmon polariton detection with graphene photodetector,” Opt. Lett. 43, 2889-2892 (2018).

22. You-Shin No*, Hong Kyw Choi, Jin-Soo Kim, Hakseong Kim, Young-Jun Yu, Choon-Gi Choi and Jin Sik Choi

     “Layer number identification of CVD-grown multilayer graphene using Si peak analysis,” Sci. Rep. 8, 571 (2018).




21.  Jin-Sung Park*, Kyoung-Ho Kim, Min-Soo Hwang, Xing Zhang, Jung Min Lee, Jungkil Kim, Kyung-Deok Song,

You-Shin No, Kwang-Yong Jeong, James F. Cahoon, Sun-Kyung Kim,  and Hong-Gyu Park

“Enhancement of Light Absorption in Silicon Nanowire Photovoltaic Devices with Dielectric and Metallic Grating Structures,”

     Nano Lett. 177731–7736 (2017).


20. Kyoung-Ho Kim*, and You-Shin No

“Subwavelength core/shell cylindrical nanostructure for novel plasmonic and metamaterial devices,”

Nano Convergence 4, 32 (2017).


19. Jin Sik Choi*, Kyoung-Ho Kim, and You-Shin No

“Spatially localized wavelength-selective absorption in morphology-modulated semiconductor nanowires,”

Opt. Express. 25, 22750–22759 (2017).




18. You-Shin No*, Lin Xu , Max N. Mankin, and Hong-Gyu Park

“Shape-controlled assembly of nanowires for photonic elements,” ACS Photon. 3, 2285–2290 (2016).


17. You-Shin No*, Jae-Hyuck Choi, Kyoung-Ho Kim and Hong-Gyu Park

“Characteristics of strain-sensitive photonic crystal cavities in a flexible substrate,” Opt. Express. 24, 26119–26128 (2016).



16. Kyong-Ho Kim*, Minsoo Hwang*, Ha-Reem Kim, Jae-Hyuck Choi, You-Shin No and Hong-Gyu Park

“Direct observation of exceptional points in coupled photonic-crystal lasers with asymmetric optical gains,”

      Nature Commun. 7:13893/ncomms13893 (2016).


15. You-Shin No*, Ruixuan Gao*, Max N. Mankin, Robert W. Day, Hong-Gyu Park and Charles M. Lieber

“Encoding Active Device Elements at Nanowire Tips,” Nano Lett. 16, 4713–4719 (2016).

14.  Jae-Hyuck Choi*, You-Shin No*, Jae-Pil So, Jung Min Lee, Kyoung-Ho Kim, Minsoo Hwang, Soon-Hong Kwon and Hong-           Gyu Park , “A high-resolution strain-gauge nanolaser,” Nature Commun. 7:11569 dio:10.1038/ncomms11569 (2016).



13. Yoon-Ho Kim*, Soon-Hong Kwon*, Ho-Seok Ee, Yongsop Hwang, You-Shin No, and Hong-Gyu Park

“Dependence of Q Factor on Surface Roughness in a Plasmonic Cavity,” J. Opt. Soc. Korea 20, 188–191 (2016).



12. Kyoung-Ho Kim*, You-Shin No*, Sehwan Chang, Jae-Hyuck Choi and Hong-Gyu Park

    “Invisible Hyperbolic Metamaterial Nanotube at Visible Frequency,” Sci. Rep. 5, 16027 (2015).


11. Max N. Mankin*, Robert W. Day, Ruixuan Gao, You-Shin No, Sun-Kyung Kim, Arthur A. McClelland, David C. Bell,

Hong-Gyu Park and Charles M. Lieber

“Facet-Selective Epitaxy of Compound Semiconductors on Faceted Si Nanowires,” Nano Lett. 15, 4776–4782 (2015).


10. Robert W. Day*, Max N. Mankin*, Ruixuan Gao, You-Shin No, Sun-Kyung Kim, David C. Bell, Hong-Gyu Park

and Charles M. Lieber

“Plateau-Rayleigh crystal growth of periodic shells on one-dimensional substrates,” Nature Nanotechnol. 10, 345–352 (2015).


9. Jung Min Lee*, You-Shin No, Sungwoong Kim, Hong-Gyu Park , and Won Il Park

“Strong interactive growth behaviors in solution-phase synthesis of three-dimensional metal oxide nanostructures,”

    Nature Commun. 6:6325 doi: 10.1038/ncomms7325 (2015).




8. Jae-Hyuck Choi*, You-Shin No, Min-Soo Hwang, Soon-Yong Kwon, Kwang-Yong Jeong, Soon-Hong Kwon, Jin-Kyu Yang ,          and Hong-Gyu Park

“Low-threshold photonic-band-edge laser using iron-nail-shaped rod array,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091120 (2014).


7. Soon-Hong Kwon*, You-Shin No, and Hong-Gyu Park , “Design of plasmonic cavities,” Nano Convergence 1, 8 (2014).




6. Kwang-Yong Jeong*, You-Shin No, Yongsup Hwang, Ki Soo Kim, Min-Kyo Seo, Hong-Gyu Park , and Yong-Hee Lee ,

“Electrically driven nanobeam laser, ” Nature Commun. 4:2822 doi: 10. 1038/ncomms3822 (2013).



5. You-Shin No, Jae-Hyuck Choi, Min-Soo Hwang, and Hong-Gyu Park

“Investigation of Light Coupling between a Semiconductor Nanowire and a Plasmonic Waveguide,”

J. Korean Phys. Soc. 63, 1851–1854 (2013).



4. You-Shin No*, Jae-Hyuck Choi, Ho-Seok Ee, Min-Soo Hwang, Kwang-Yong Jeong, Eun- Khwang Lee, Min-Kyo Seo,

    Soon-Hong Kwon, and Hong-Gyu Park  ,

“A Double-Strip Plasmonic Waveguide Coupled to an Electrically Driven Nanowire LED,” Nano Lett. 13, 772–776 (2013).




3. Ju-Hyung Kang*, You-Shin No, Soon-Hong Kwon, and Hong-Gyu Park ,

“Ultrasmall subwavelength nanorod plasmonic cavity,Opt. Lett. 36, 2011–2013 (2011).




2. You-Shin No*, Ho-Seok Ee, Soon-Hong Kwon*, Sun-Kyung Kim, Min-Kyo Seo, Ju-Hyung Kang, Yong-Hee Lee,

and Hong-Gyu Park

“Characteristics of dielectric-band modified single- cell photonic crystal lasers,” Opt. Express 17, 1679–1690 (2009).




1. Min-Kyo Seo*, Jin-Kyu Yang, Kwang-Yong Jeong, Hong-Gyu Park, Fang Qian, Ho-Seok Ee, You-Shin No, and Yong-Hee Lee,

    “Modal Characteristics in a Single-Nanowire Cavity with a Triangular Cross Section,” Nano Lett. 8, 4534–4538 (2008).


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